Friday, September 28, 2012

Sleeping on PUV's

Since commute would take me about 2-3 hrs to get home, sometimes, I get to sleep while sitting on whatever vehicle I am on. This usually happens during morning commutes.

How do I sleep? Let me count the ways.

1. Bag Hugging - In buses, since I sometimes bring my laptop home, I will hug the laptop bag and then put my head on top and sleep on it. Usually, I would get stiff necks after the commute, but hey I am soo asleep that I can never notice the pain.

2. Masa - me and my ofc friends would sometimes call our other colleague this, 'masa' which is the short term of 'masandal tulog' (when he leans, he sleeps instantly). I am kinda like that. I love sitting near the window so that I can just lean my head on the window sill or the window itself just to get me to sleep. If I am on an FX, I would be resting my head on the back rest just to get my eyes a good resting.

3. Head Bangers - When I don't have anything lean on, this is my last resort. I just close my eyes, and let my head down and follow wherever inertia leads my head to. This is my most funny position, there was this one time that the driver woke me up because I was blocking his side mirror view. He even told me not to sleep just about anywhere when I went down the vehicle, some advice eh?

It is really not advisable not to sleep during commutes, it's not safe especially here in the Philippines. Your things maybe stolen or you may pass your stop because you overslept. But I guess I am one lucky commuter, or I am just one safe gal.

Whenever you sleep on commutes, you have to take precautions.

1. Make sure your bags are near or tangled up on a part of your body. This way, if someone tries to steal it away from you, it may give you just the right jolt to wake you up. I would usually tangle my bags on my arms so that I could feel if someone takes it away from me.

2. If possible, hug the bags while sleeping. I hug my bags because there may be someone opening your bags, or cut them using a blade and gather whatever's important inside. This will protect your bag and also yourself.

3. Always think that sleeping is the last option. There may be some robbery or bomb threats inside the vehicle that you may not be aware of if you are asleep, so it's better to be aware of what's happening around you.

But of course, if you are dead tired, give yourself a break and just lean in and sleep. Just be careful. Be safe everyone. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aby, I love how you put your thoughts into words and how you tell your stories. I had a great time reading your blog posts.

    Thank you for leaving a comment to my blog.
